

Floodplain Hazard Management Regulations (Ordinance 2023-004, effective date May 4, 2023)

Floodplain Fee Schedule

Click here to learn about the Madison River and Jefferson River map updates.


Click here to proceed to the Gallatin County Floodplain Viewer.

The floodplain boundaries shown herein are based on the FEMA Flood Insurance Study for Gallatin County, Montana and Incorporated Areas and the corresponding Flood Insurance Rate Maps, with an effective date of April 21, 2021. The boundaries shown on these maps are for informational and insurance purposes and to help people assess their relative risk to major flood events.

NOTE: These floodplains are based on scientific studies of selected stream systems and do not represent all flood threats in Gallatin County.  Channel Migration Studies have been conducted on the major rivers in Gallatin County and those studies may be another valuable source of information for landowners and decision makers.

  • Please note that there are permitting requirements for activities such as grading, excavation, placement of fill, bank stabilization work, construction or placement of structures, and other similar activities within the regulatory floodplain. For additional information, please consult the Gallatin County Floodplain Hazard Management Regulations or contact the Gallatin County Planning Department at 406-582-3130.
  • Click here to see a list of floodplain contacts in Gallatin County.
  • Gallatin County also offers a Map Information Service which provides a great deal of useful flood-related information about a property. Click here for the Floodplain Information Request Form.
  • For more information about the National Flood Insurance Program, click here.
  • Click here to submit a complaint concerning work that has occurred or is occurring in the floodplain.

All files on this page are in PDF file format. Any forms can be filled out on-line and printed OR the blank forms can be printed and filled out by hand. The forms can also be saved on your computer. If you do not have a PDF file reader installed on your computer, click on Adobe Reader to download a free copy.

Flood Insurance Rate Maps

Viewing FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps on the Web:

Other Flood Studies

Permit Application Forms

General Floodplain Application Timeline & Process

Digital Application Standards

Flood & Floodplain Information