Gallatin County Seeking Election Judges for 2022

Election Judges

Gallatin County is in need of qualified, dedicated election judges. The 2022 election cycle has begun and our Elections Office is currently recruiting election judges and preparing for election judge training.

There are numerous positions that do different work, such as greeting voters, issuing ballots, manning ballot boxes, assisting voters with checking into their precincts, and, the most fun task of all, giving out the celebrated "I Voted" stickers!

All elections judges will complete a three-hour general training session sometime during the week of April 13-20. 

Election judges are paid at a base rate of $10 an hour with some judges making more depending on their experience and responsibilities.

If you're interested in becoming an election judge, please fill out this form

Need more information or have additional questions? Contact the Elections Office by phone at 406-582-3060 or email at